Saturday, November 24, 2012

A South African Thanksgiving!

Let me just start by saying how thankful I am to live here in Bulwer with Lauretta and her family! Lauretta has always tried to make me feel comfortable and at home in her B&B, and I definitely felt that way this Thanksgiving.  About a month ago I was talking with Winrose, my colleague that also lives at the B&B, and she told me she has never eaten turkey.  Apparently it’s rare in Kenya, where Winrose is from, and it can be very expensive to buy. So I told her about Thanksgiving and how we should make a dinner at the B&B to cook some turkey for Winrose to try. Lauretta was more than willing to help us cook a proper American Thanksgiving, so I got some recipes from my mom and Lauretta took care of the rest! 


Lauretta did her research because we not only had turkey to eat, but she created a beautiful floral display with all the fall colors, and a cornucopia filled with fruit and freshly baked bread! We had turkey, gravy, oyster dressing, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie, and wine…. all of my favorites! Before we ate, I read a brief history of the first Thanksgiving to help everyone understand the meaning behind our holiday.  We finished almost the entire turkey and everyone seemed to enjoy all the food. Even though I was missing my family at home, I felt truly grateful to be here in Bulwer surrounded by such great friends. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Reading about the first Thanksgiving
Winrose and I enjoying our turkey!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're doing well and are staying with such nice people! I hope you had a good Christmas. Love you! Aunt Kathie
