Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ingwe Municipality Youth Event

MMC activities have picked up quickly since this year started, and we are doing a lot of promotion and education in order to keep the ball rolling! The Ingwe Municipality held a youth event one weekend and CMMB decided this was the perfect opportunity to promote the importance of MMC and share the services that CMMB provides. We asked one of our employees, Baba Mncwabe, to speak at the event because he is well known and respected in the community. I went along with Baba Mncwabe to represent the company, help educate, and of course take pictures.
Sitting on stage at the Youth Event
The youth event had a great turn out. Lots of young men and women showed up and listened to the different messages on how to stay healthy, make good decision, and be successful in life. Finally it was Baba Mncwabe's turn to speak. He gave a brief speech on what is medical male circumcision (MMC), why it is important, and the services CMMB provides. MMC is an important aspect of HIV prevention, and we try to stress this message to women and men. Although MMC only directly pertains to men, women should also know why MMC is important. Our MMC project is called "Impilo Ekhaya", meaning health at home, and the name is meant to emphasize the prevention of HIV in men can affect an entire family.
Baba Mncwabe giving his speak on MMC
Between speakers there was also a lot of entertainment. There were poets, dancers, and musicians that all celebrated the Zulu culture. The last 2 performers were especially entertaining. They danced and sang while wearing traditional Zulu clothing. I always love going to these community events because they ALWAYS have a good message, good food, and plenty of entertainment.
This boy performed onstage while his dad sang and played guitar!

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