Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Opening of the MMC Center of Excellence

Speakers at the event
Circumcised Zulu men
Last week CMMB was invited to the opening of the MMC Center of Excellence at the North Dale Hospital in Pietermartizburg. I was able to attend the event with 2 of my colleagues, Mr. Mthiyane and Mr. Ngcamu.  The MMC Center of Excellence will be an international center  for training doctors and nurses on MMC procedures as well as providing MMC services to boys and men throughout South Africa. Special guests attending the opening included the MEC of Health,Dr.Sibongiseni Dhlomo, and the Zulu King, King Goodwill Zwelithini. The event had a huge turnout. Circumcised men from all over the KwaZulu-Natal Provice came in their traditional attire to celebrate the Center and the accomplishments being achieved through
Zulu men singing traditional songs
circumcision for preventing
Zulu King
HIV. The event featured speeches from the MEC, the Zulu King, several other guests, traditional dances from Zulu men and women, a play, and lots of music. The event made it obvious that circumcisions are a large focus for men in South Africa and the government is doing all it can to spread the message so that all men accept MMC and make it a priority in order to prevent HIV.

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