Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Khuphuka Project Sports Event

On Saturday CMMB was invited to attended a community sports event held by an NGO called the Khuphuka Project. The event featured a soccer tournament for the guys but also had volleyball and netball games for girls. Netball is basically South Africa's equivalent to basketball, except the hoop has no backboard. Between soccer matches, the Khuphuka project planned discussions for the youth on topics about MMC, teen pregnancy, and violence. CMMB was invited to the event to help facilitate discussion on MMC and educate the community. I attended the event with our new Community Mobilizing Coordinator, Mr. Ngcamu. We were able to watch a few soccer games before the first discussion on MMC began. Skumbuzo, the event coordinator from Khuphuka Project, first introduced to topic of MMC and then asked players from each soccer team to take part in a discussion about the role individuals and the community have in preventing HIV through circumcision. Some teams argued that it is only the man's decision and responsibility to be circumcised, while other teams argued the parents and partners of men should also take part in making this decision. After the discussion, Mr. Ngcamu spoke to the crowd to educate them on MMC, the benefits of circumcision, and the services CMMB provides. The day was a great success and I'm so glad CMMB was invited to take part. The event showed me these communities are truly interested in the health and well being of their youth, and are ready to be proactive about combating issues like HIV, teen pregnancy, and violence.

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